A technically and quality driven company specialising in the manufacture of anodising and metal finishing chemistry. Over 40 years of providing consultancy, advice and assistance with their process operations.
An ISO 9001:2015 & ISO 14001:2015 certified company providing high quality approved chemistry and metal finishing systems.
Since our inception Almetron has been at the forefront in the development and manufacture of chemistry used in the Anodising , Powder Coating & Metal Finishing Industries.
As a long serving Qualicoat member Almetron currently has three approved chromate-free systems in its extensive metal finishing portfolio.
A diverse company, Almetron also manufactures and supplies speciality formulations and chemical products for use in the following industries:
Aerospace and Automotive
Building and Construction
Water Purification and Effluent Treatment
Surface Cleaning and Sanitisation
Specialised and Bespoke Formulations
Paint Stripping
Commodity Chemicals